Monday, December 14, 2009

Blessing a Day 2009-December 14

I am thankful that I realized last night at 11 that Luke had no pants for today, instead of this morning.
I am so-ooo incredibly thankful for an envelope that came in the mail. I am thankful for the help we got in turning in our insurance claim, and I am thankful that the check finally came in the mail. Home repairs and renovations here we come!

But mostly today I am thankful for Jack. I am thankful he was born. I am thankful for his tender spirit. I am thankful for his outlook on life. I am thankful for his diligence. I am thankful for his unending honesty. I am thankful that he was our first son. I am thankful that he gets to have his birthday in December. I am thankful that he is who he is. I love him. Happy Birthday.

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